About Our Trainings


Our training includes five modules: implicit bias; race and ethnicity; LGBTQ;  disability; and gender & intersectionality. Each module includes film, large and small group discussion, hands-on activities, and facilitated planning to reduce bias in the workplace going forward. Additionally, DLT is happy to assist organizations with paperwork to apply for CLE credits and other workplace accreditation upon request. For more information about our trainings or a rate sheet, contact [email protected]  All trainings are currently available by webinar or using Zoom. 

Implicit Bias Theory is foundational knowledge for all people invested in anti-bias theory and practice. Implicit bias refers to unconscious, negative beliefs about minority groups.  Everyone exhibits this bias in some areas, even when they are consciously committed to equality. This module covers the systemic impact of bias and evidence-based practices to reduce bias in workplace decisions. Participants will experience active learning through an engaging combination presentation, hands-on activities, discussion, and planning.

This module educates participants on systemic bias, microaggression theory as developed by Derald Wing Sue of Columbia University, and concrete examples of microaggressions against people of color. This module includes the film Reveal Moments, a DLT-produced documentary film which features people of color who discuss their experiences with bias in Portland, Oregon. Participants will learn about the stereotypes which underly microaggressions and gain skills to intervene in microaggressions and other forms of bias when they occur. The trailer for the film can be found here.

This module covers implicit bias against lesbian, bisexual, gay, and transgender identities. Participants will learn key vocabulary and concepts from within LGBTQ communities, particularly with respect to gender identity. Participants will view the DLT-produced film What Are You? and engage in facilitated discussion and brainstorming to reduce bias against LGBTQ people in the workplace, communities, and personal lives. See the film trailer here.

This module extends microaggression theory to the lived experiences of people with disabilities. Participants will view the DLT film Zoom In and engage with presentations, hands-on activities, and discussions which emphasize the vital role of disability within diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. The module centers the social model of disability, disability pride, and other frameworks that embrace disability as celebratory rather than stigmatized. The film trailer is here.

This module takes a fresh look at gender bias in the workplace, including microaggression theory applied to women and transgender people at various intersections including age, race, sexuality, and gender identity. Learn how gender bias continues to impact people in the workplace, and especially how it relates to racial and other forms of discrimination. Participants will view DLT’s latest film My Whole Self, followed by ample opportunity for facilitated discussion and bias intervention practice. Optional add-on: the History and Meaning of #MeToo

Representative Clients and Participants: